Dedicated Server Overview & Download
The TrackMania dedicated server is a command-line based tool created by Nadeo for running Internet and LAN game servers on both Linux and Windows. The dedicated server is highly customizable via a server configuration file and a match settings file, as well as its XML-RPC port.
This port accepts commands (methods) to control a large number of server features and request settings and information, and also issues events (callbacks) to signal things happening on the server. Static lists of the callbacks for TMF and for TM² as well as dynamic, searchable lists of the methods for TMF and for TM² are available in this section.
External server controllers use the XML-RPC port to provide a wide variety of additional features, often via custom plugins, from simple chat messages to local records, player ranks, and track jukeboxing to sophisticated user interfaces, voting systems, multi-tier admin support, and much more. Controllers are usually written in PHP, but there are also projects in other languages such as C++, Java and .NET.
The dedicated server exists in several generations of which three are in active use:
- current TrackMania² server
The current server can be downloaded via this ManiaPlanet Forums post. Additional information is available in this list of command line options [@archive.org] (from TMF, so partly obsolete), and the first half of this TM² Quick Start Guide.
Tables of all TM² server (and client) versions are available here.- current TrackMania Forever (Nations/United) server
The current server can be downloaded via this TM-Forums post [@archive.org], which also contains set-up and configuration instructions. Additional information is available in the server Readme page (from classic TMU, so partly obsolete) and this list of command line options [@archive.org], and the first half of this TMF Quick Start Guide.
Tables of all TMF server (and client) versions are available here, and the aforementioned post [@archive.org] includes change notes for all public server releases.- classic TrackMania Nations/Sunrise/Original server
The classic server can be downloaded via this TM-Forums post [@archive.org], which also contains set-up and configuration instructions. Additional information is available in the server Readme page and the first half of this TMN Quick Start Guide.
Linux init.d scripts to control server start-up and shut-down can be found on this site for TMF and for TM², along with links to server resources such as further tutorials.
For more background and historical information on the dedicated server, see this TM-Wiki article [@archive.org].
Last updated: 2023-07-06